Sunday, November 19, 2006

has anyone herd anymore?

really windy in manorbier tonight. thought i'd see if anyone has herd anymore about the money. i'm going to tell all i now in manorbier to see if they will go to meeting of the council to find out what is going on with wasting our council tax. when is the next meeting?
if anyone nows something thay want me to say on this site email me on a few have emailt me and i wont say who they are. lets put out the real truth.

Monday, November 13, 2006

email says chairman to blame

i have had a email bout manorbier saying the council is responsible for spending all the money because they voted to do it. it goes on to say that the chairman who they say is tony wales was the one most responsible because he is in charge and he wanted to spend the money. if this is true why is he allowed to do this waste of money. i now i dont now much about council ways an all but if its his main fault he should resign. please email me so that i can tell what people reckon so that we can make our minds up if we can trust the chairman in future
i have had other emails saying nasty things about some of the council people i dont want to now or read this nasty stuff. i am only doing this to find out who is to blame for this big waste of money. i read some of the other blogs just now and i still dont now what is the truth. please email me and tell me the truth on
nice one

Sunday, November 12, 2006

thank you all for sending emails to me

all in manorbier who sent me emails. thanks. i have had some interesting things said to me which i have no idea about. the more you can tell me the more i will now about the truth to the money they say is been spent. one of the emails particlar was really interstsing but i dont really want to now about the people on the council not liking each other i want to now the truth about the money. i have heard in the past few days things about the council that are really terrible. is it true that this money was paid out because one or more of the council people was reported to the police for doing something what was wrong and now they are trying to hide whats gone on? ive heard it was to do with telling lies about a survey or something like that. one of the emails i had just now when i looked on my email was from someone [who i wont say who it is] who says that this money was spent to try to sort what had gone on with council people not going by the rules and doing things they shouldnt without the council nowing.

Friday, November 10, 2006

i want to now who nows what

i really would like to now whats going on in manorbier and our council tax money that they say is wasting. trouble is on other blogs theres comments for people to say back to things. i dont now who that works so i set an email address especially to find out about this business. if you really do now the truth why not send me a email and tell me what you now. if you dont want someone to now who you are sending the truth to me i will just write what you say on here from you're email. my email address is thought it's easy for you to remember. remember, i promise not to say to readers who sends me info, cos i think its so important to tell the truth. i really look forward to hearing from some manorbier people who now the truth.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

i hope this isn't right

i've been out tonight to see about finding out if this stuff is true or not. i called in to see some of my friends who have lived in manorbier since we were little.
they haven't got a clue if this stuff about the money is true cos they dont know what the council have been up to.
i am really upset that this is gone on. if it has, there must be something we can do about it. is there anyone in manorbier who can tell me the truth?
i don't now much about the council but i've found out tonight that this £20,000 will be coming out of the villages account with the bank. apparently, the money in the account is given to the council by our council tax. that means that when i pay my council tax, manorbier council have wasted it. they should be spending that money on things for manorbier and all not doing this with it.
please if anyone in manorbier reads this before its too late tell me the truth. does anyone know who is in charge of the council. whoever runs it will tell the truth to see if this is true.

what's going on with manorbier council

can someone tell me what is going on with manorbier council.
i have just been told that manorbier council has spent almost £20,000 TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS on legal fees for a case it was advised by its lawyers to settle about 2 years ago. please tell me this is true or not. if it is true there should be resignations.
this has really upset me to think of all the things manorbier could have had with this money.
  • the fence by the football pitch is a disgrace - the pitch is owned by the council.
  • the path that runs alongside the road from the camp to the village needs to be sorted - that could have been done.
  • i've been told the community hall in skrinkle needs some work - that money could have been spent there.
  • jameston hall is looking for money - £20,000 would have helped an awful lot there.
  • the parks are missing bits of play things - could have had new park stuff
  • the whole parish could do with some new notice boards
  • lots of local groups would have benefitted from that money thats now been wasted
  • the list is endlless
there must be someone in manorbier council that can tell me that this rumour is rubbish, or confirm that manorbier council have cost the local tax payer a small fortune for doing what they have done.
if this is true, why have they done this stupid waste of money. we could all have benefitted from this money, not just wasted it on paying for lawyers. if this is what the council are doing when they are supposed to be representing the voters (us residents and tax payers) they should turn the lights off and close the doors after them. they shouldn't be able to get away with it. its really upset me. it feels like they are distroying manorbier on purpose.