Tuesday, November 07, 2006

i hope this isn't right

i've been out tonight to see about finding out if this stuff is true or not. i called in to see some of my friends who have lived in manorbier since we were little.
they haven't got a clue if this stuff about the money is true cos they dont know what the council have been up to.
i am really upset that this is gone on. if it has, there must be something we can do about it. is there anyone in manorbier who can tell me the truth?
i don't now much about the council but i've found out tonight that this £20,000 will be coming out of the villages account with the bank. apparently, the money in the account is given to the council by our council tax. that means that when i pay my council tax, manorbier council have wasted it. they should be spending that money on things for manorbier and all not doing this with it.
please if anyone in manorbier reads this before its too late tell me the truth. does anyone know who is in charge of the council. whoever runs it will tell the truth to see if this is true.